Business Spotlight: SnappBandZ
SnappBandZ is a family operated business specializing in the sale and creation of calming bracelets that combine the attractive aesthetic of jewelry and the power of an anxiety relief tool. Invented in 2019 the patent-pending SnappBandZ anxiety relief bracelet was developed by Randolph residents Hope and Michael Bloom and their daughters Amanda and Jennifer.
The bracelet was modeled after the Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) approach known as snap therapy, an approach practiced by snapping a rubber band on the inner wrist to transform negative thoughts into positive focus. After some further development, the SnappBandZ patent-pending bracelet was born, replacing the rubber band with a fashionable piece of jewelry that displays an inspirational mantra centerpiece, and a discreet band that enables users to lightly Snapp Out™ any unwanted thoughts with a gentle vibration on their inner wrist. This light physical sensation aids wearers in derailing unwanted negative thoughts like, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, and OCD, and helps transform them into positive mental focus and calming inner thoughts.
As a part of their mission to support the mental health community, SnappBandZ frequently supports and collaborates with the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) and the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (BBRF). The business continues to grow its customer base with numerous celebrity endorsements and great reviews from local customers. For further information about the SnappBandZ brand or to order from their collection of products, visit or contact